

DKBS building
A DKBS employee who works

years experiences in the domain

Why choose DKBS?
Since 1994, DKB Solutions has been supporting organizations in their development by integrating the latest computer and telecommunications technologies.
Our mission: to put the information system at the service of the performance and added value of your company.
As an IT solutions integrator, DKB Solutions creates, deploys and maintains management, infrastructure and engineering solutions. We accompany you throughout the life cycle of your information system, from the study and consulting phase to the complete implementation. We take care of all the IT tools used in your company, as well as those that open your company to the outside world.

The Keys to DKB Solutions Success :
  • A multi-competence culture and its multi-specialist activity which allows to accompany its customers throughout their projects.
  • The dynamism and involvement of its teams
  • A capacity to surround itself with the most competent partners and resources
  • A willingness to meet the specific needs of its customers

DKB has evolved significantly throughout its twenty nine (29) years:
 From 1994 to 2000, the strategic vision was "hardware-centered computing" with, as main activity, the sale and maintenance of computer hardware and consumables.
 From 2000 to 2004, it entered the era of new technologies with its "software-centric" strategy, with electronic document management (EDM) software as its main product.
 Since 2005, it has been focused on "Products/Services & Strategies" with a wide range of interconnected services, with Electronic Document Management (EDM), Business Recovery Plan (BRP), delocalized backup of company data and the sale of AIRLIVE and NETASQ computer equipment (for networks) as major products.
  •  In 2008 : creation of the subsidiary DKB Solutions US LLC.
  •  In 2010 : creation of the subsidiary DKB synergy in NIGERIA,
  •  In June 2013 : creation of the subsidiary DKB SENEGAL
  •  In November 2013 : creation of the subsidiary DKB GHANA
Since 2015: Certification Authority approved by the ARTCI

  •   The general objectives of DKB Solutions are as follows:
  •   To optimize the performance in all the different departments and services of  administrations, through our ICT solutions,
  •  To perpetuate the heritage of the information system of the administrations,
  •  To secure the information system assets of administrations,
  •  To increase the performances and to bring solutions of innovations to the functioning of administrations,
  •  To create employment for the young Ivorians through our projects, while participating in the reduction of rate's unemployment in Côte d'Ivoire.

Our Vision
  •  To become one of the leaders in the field of information technology and communication (ICT) throughout Africa.
  •  To position DKB SOLUTIONS as a company that offers innovative solutions to all companies in Africa, from Ivory Coast.

+ 100

Clients satisfied

500 +

Projets Realized

80 +


Our Team

A dynamic team ready to assist you in your choices

Our general objectives
optimise performance icon

optimise performance

Securing assets icon

Securing assets

Improving performance icon

Improving performance

Creating jobs for the youth icon

Creating jobs for the youth

General experiences & some detailed references

Approximate value of the contract: 884,476,630 F CFA
Duration of the mission: (22 months) national-scale project
Total number of employees/months who participated in the Mission: 10 direct agents of DKB Phase 1: 5 AGENTS Phase 2: 4 Agents
Start date (month/year): February 2008
Completion date (month/year): MARCH 2011
Name of associated consultants/possible partners: HYLAND SOFTWARE (Onbase)
Name of professional executives of our company employed and functions performed:
-Bertin DJAHA: General Coordinator
- Tuo Lacina: Project manager
-Alla Hugues achil: Assistant project manager
Project description: Supply of materials and implementation of the electronic document and archive management system.
Description of the services actually provided by our staff as part of the mission:  
  • Functional interview series on treasured business processes.
  •   Mapping Summary of the existing situation and the needs of management.
  •   Preparation of the installation platform (Windows 2003 server, SQL SERVER 2005 10g).
  •   Installation and configuration of the GED OnBase server.
  • Installation and configuration of scanning stations.
  •   Training of EDM users (100 agents).
  •   Design, modeling for the automation of procedures (workflow).
  •   Resumption of the documentary content at AMACI and DCPP (all departments linked to the public treasury).
DGI (Directorate General of Taxes) ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT Project

Approximate value of the contract: 78,477,515 F CFA

Duration of the mission: (6 months)

Total number of employees/month who participated in the Mission: 3 DKB agents

Start date (month/year): September 2013

Completion date (month/year): March 2014

Name of associated consultants/possible partners: HYLAND SOFTWARE (Onbase)

Name of professional executives of our company employed and functions performed:

-TUO Lacina: General Coordinator

-Kouame Kouadio: Project manager

-Dopakondia Joradine: Assistant project manager

Project description: Supply of software and implementation of the electronic document and archive management system

Description of the services actually provided by your staff as part of the mission:

·        Study of functional and technical specifications.
·        Preparation of the installation platform (Windows 2008 server, Oracle 10g).
·        Installation and configuration of the GED OnBase server.
·        Installation and configuration of scanning stations.
·        Training of EDM users (70 agents).

Approximate value of the contract: 326,558,239 F CFA
Duration of the mission: (15 months)
Total number of employees/month who participated in the Mission: 30 direct DKB agents
Start date (month/year): SEPTEMBER 2015
Completion date (month/year): to date
Name of associated consultants/possible partners: KODAK Name of professional executives of our company employed and functions performed: Tuo Nabitiala Lacina: Project Manager
Description of the services actually provided by our staff as part of the mission:
  • Extraction and integration of physical documents.
  • Processing of pre-scanning documents.
  • Scanning and preparation of physical documents.
  • Quality control.
  • Indexing of documents in the CNPS ECM database.
  •   2015-2016 Digitization of more than 2,000,000 pages.
  •   2016- to date, digitized more than 10,000,000 pages.
Supply of equipment for the implementation of the GED, Governance and Institutional Development Grant for the DMP (Public Procurement Directorate)
Approximate contract's value: 37.386.090 F CFA
Duration of the mission : (1 Month)
Total number of employees/months involved in the mission: 2 DKB agents
Start date (month/year): March 2014
Completion date (month/year): April 2014
Name of associated consultants/potential partners: DELL
Name of professional staff employed and duties performed: Kouassi Alla Hugues Achil: Project Manager
Project description: Supply of equipment for the implementation of the GED of the Governance and Institutional Development grant
Description of the services actually rendered by our staff in the framework of the mission:  
  • Installation and configuration of DELL servers and storage bay.
  • Installation of the back up system on LTO.
  • Installation of 8 user stations.
  • Racking of servers and storage bay.
  •  Installation and networking of three laser printers
First bank
Approximate value of the contract: 96,281,070 F CFA
Country: NIGERIA
Location: LAGOS
Duration of the mission: Phase 1: 3 months
Phase 2: 7 months
Total number of employees/month who participated in the Mission: 6 DKB agents and 10 handlers
Start date (month/year): Phase 1 study: May 2010 to August 2010
Completion date (month/year): Phase 2 Installation: May 2011 to October 2011
Name of associated consultants/possible partners: KODAK (capture pro)
Name of professional executives of our company employed and functions performed:
-Kouassi Alla Hugues Achil: Project manager
-N’guessan hycinthe: Archive curator
-Kouassi Christophe: Capture system engineer
Description of the services actually provided by our staff as part of the mission:
  • Installation and configuration of 5 scanning stations with a daily capacity of 45,000 pages.
  • Preparation of documents in the pre-digitization phase.
  •   Scanning of a total of 3,200,000 document pages in all formats.
  •   Processing of digitized images.
  •   Importing scanned documents into the bank's electronic document management system.
Approximate value of the contract: 455,111,030 F CFA
Duration of the mission: (12 months)
Total number of employees/month who participated in the Mission: 4 direct agents of DKB
Start date (month/year): FEBRUARY 2008
Completion date (month/year): MARCH 2009
Name of associated consultants/possible partners: OPENTEXT
Name of professional executives of our company employed and functions performed:
-Tuo Lacina: Project Director
-Mireille Cophey: Project manager
Project Description: Supply of equipment and implementation of the electronic document and archive management system followed by the commissioning of scanners to digitize 5 million pages of documents.
Description of the services actually provided by our staff as part of the mission:  
  • Windows and SQL 2005 clustering of HP DL 380 servers.
  •   Installation and configuration of scanning stations.
  •   Installation and configuration of the OPENTEXT GED eDocs server.
  •   Installation and configuration of scanning stations.
  •   Design, modeling for the automation of procedures (workflow).
  •   User training and GED Administrator of LA SIR.
  •   Resumption of the documentary base based on 5 million pages of documents in A4-A3 A1 and A0 format.
Approximate contract value: 690,000,000 F CFA
Duration of the mission: (24 Months) for budgetary reasons (project spread over 2 budgets)
Total number of employees/months involved in the mission: 6 DKB agents
Starting date (month/year): OCTOBER 2007
Completion date (month/year): OCTOBER 2009
Name of any associated consultants/partners: OPENTEXT
Names of professional staff employed by your company and functions performed:
-Bertin Djaha: Project Director
-Tuo Lacina: Project Manager
Description of the project: Supply of materials and implementation of the electronic document and archive management system followed by the installation of scanners to digitize 10 million pages of documents.
Description of the services actually rendered by our staff within the framework of the mission: 
  • Clustering Windows and SQL 2005 HP DL 380 servers.
  •   Installation and configuration of the scanning stations.
  • Installation and configuration of the Hummingbird GED server.
  • Installation and configuration of the scanning stations.
  • Design, modeling for the automation of procedures (workflow).
  • Training of users and GED Administrator of LA SIR.
      Port Authority of Abidjan
      Approximate contract value: 194,639,800 F CFA
      Duration of the mission : (15 Months) for budgetary reasons (project spread over 2 budgets)
      Total number of employees/months involved in the Mission: 9 DKB agents Phase 1: 5 Agents Phase 2: 4 Agents
      Start date (month/year): Phase 1 Study: March - June 2009
      Completion date (month/year): Phase 2 Installation: June 2012 - to February 2014
      Name of associated consultants/potential partners: HYLAND SOFTWARE (Onbase)
      Names of the professional staff of our company employed and functions performed:
      Tuo Lacina : Project Manager
      Mobio Assande : Project Manager
      Description of the project: Supply of material and implementation of the electronic document and archive management system
      Description of the services actually rendered by our staff within the framework of the mission :

      Phase 1: Study, analysis and identification of a target EDM and archiving solution for the Port Autonome d'Abidjan (PAA):
       Series of functional interviews on the business processes of the PAA.
      Proposal of two implementation scenarios (functional and technical architecture).
      First costing of the workload for the implementation of the scenarios.
      (budgeting and provisional implementation schedule).
      Facilitator of the seminar on the management of a GED project (target team GED PAA project.
      Phase 2: Project manager of the implementation of the GED Workflow pilot site in the Quality Department of the PAA:
       Preparation of the installation platform (Windows 2003 server, Oracle 10g).
      Installation and configuration of the OnBase GED server.
      Design, modeling for the automation of procedures (workflow).
       Installation and configuration of the scanning stations.
      Training of GED users (100 agents).